Friday, March 30, 2012

CHC Service Day at Deborah's Place

post by CHC member, Savannah J.

     Last Friday the Chicago Health Corps shared in service at Deborah’s place, a non-profit committed to “breaking the cycle of homelessness for women in Chicago.” Women in Chicago who are experiencing homelessness can apply to live in Deborah’s place. They sign a year lease and pay 30 percent of their income as rent, if they have any income. They commit to substance-free housing. And then they can come and go as they please, allowing a high level of freedom and independence for the residents. Deborah's Place also excels at connecting the residents with valuable resources including employment assistance, health services, and transportation.
      Deborah’s Place supports several housing units throughout the city. Our particular location included about 90 studio apartments for single women. In the morning hours we cleaned the two common-area kitchens on site, as well as detail work in the hallways. The place was looking good by the end of the day and we appreciated all the “thank yous” we received from residents as we worked. 
     The highlight of the day was visiting with the residents after the deep cleaning. We collaborated on puzzles, made arts and crafts, played scrabble and discussed philosophy. We were also the recipients of some wonderful advice: to stay in school, to not let anyone talk us down, and to keep our brains open. We were touched by these caring, inspirational, intelligent, and talented women. I left with a better sense of and admiration for those in our community who experience homelessness. I am grateful that some of Chicago's homeless women are able to find such supportive and inviting housing. By the end of the day it had become clear that Deborah's Place is more than a temporary respite from the cold streets of Chicago. It's a real home, with a community of caring people and exceptional resources.

Carefully moving the refridgerators to get to the tile behind.

Neerja owning the cabinet cleaning task.

Sana and Jessica sprucing up the community lounge.

Matt asking for supplies through the kitchen gap.

Scrubbing those pasta sauce splatters.

James and Alina share a tender moment while cleaning.

So much love.

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